Tamers Highway(halloween version)
Season 1-2

About season 1 and 2



Tai is the leader of the group in season 1.He is pretty nice,but can be too bossy.Tai can send the group sometimes right into trouble.Sometimes Tai is too independant sometimes.In season 2 he isn't in it as much,but helps the other digi-destined in thier journey.He also is very smart in season 2.Tai's crest is Courage.

Sora is a pretty nice person and is a very big tomboy,well itleast in season 1.She always looks after people in the group.She looks over Tai and if she wouldn't have been looking over everyone,she would have been the leader.In season 2 she isn't much of a Tomboy.Sora teaches the season 2 digi-destined to not give up ever.Sora's crest is LOVE.

Matt is just allitte to self important.Matt thinks he is really cool in sesaon 1.He also really watches after his younger brother T.K.,and fights with Tai alot.Matt didn't really know anybody when he was at summer camp.In season 2 he is a ROCK STAR and not so self important.He teaches the season 2 digi-destined about friendship(like his crest).Matts crest is Friendship.

Izzy is a real computer expert and is the smartest knowledge wise.He doesn't really pay attention to what is going on.He does have alot of logical sense in some ways.He sort of follows tai than try to lead.In season 2 he is very smart and is known by alot of people in his school.He is very smart and knows ALOT more about the digital world then anyone else.His crest is Knowlegde.

Mimi is a spoiled.She gets everything she wants,so in the digital world she had to get used to all the action and aventure they had.Her temper gets UP fast.She can be very weird though.In season 2 she isn't as spoiled as she was.She then lived in America in season 2 because her parents got scared of all the Digimon.In season 2 she teaches all of them to be sensare to people.She has the crest of Sensarity.

Joe is really perinoid about things.He is safe,but too safe in some ways,but if Joe were not to be there the digi-destined would always get into trouble sometimes.He is also scared easily.In season 2 he is trainig to be a doctor.He really likes doctoring.They learn that you can lie,"2,000 digileauges under the sea."Joe has the crest of Reliability.

Divis is a really hyped up kid and is sometimes very wise and sometimes very stupid.
I don't know which one though.
Davis has a HUGE crush on Kari.
He knows her because of Tai,he played on the same soccer team.He also gets really dumb somethimes.
He grows up to be a noddle carrier.
His digi-eggs are Courage and friendship.

Yolei is sometimes is a very nice person and usually isn't sensare un till Mimi came.
She is good friends with Cody because they lived in the same apartment and has the Brain in technolegy.
She really admires Izzy in his work.
She trys to be like him.
Yolei grows up as a working mother and is married to Ken.Her digi-eggs are Love and sensarity.

Cody is very wise when it comes to planning and reliable.
He lives with his garandfather and mom and grandmother.
His dad died when he was on buissness.
He also like Kendo alot.
He sometimes is shy about expressing his feelings,but he sometimes does.
Cody grows up to be a lawyer and has one child.
His digi-eggs are Knowledge and Reliablity.

Kari is a very nice person who is sort of confudsed about the digimon thing in season 1.
Also she sometimes gets scared easily.
She depends on her brother Tai alot.
In season 2 she is more independant,but still looks up to Tai.
She wishes that Digimon and people would live in peace.When she grows up she is a teacher.
Her digi-egg is Light.

Eye color:blue
hair color:blode
Digimon Partner:Patamon
T.K. is a very young person who doesn't understand anything when in the digi-world.
He really looks up to his brother Matt.
He is very sensitive when it comes to Digimon in season 1.
In season 2 he is more independant and doesn't look up to his brother much.
He wishes his family were together again.He grows up to be a writer.
His digi-egg is Hope.