Tamers Highway(halloween version)
Digimon season 1-3 Quiz

Digimon season 3!!


What are the 3 japanese names?

What does Gatomon mean?
(d)none of the above

What color are Henry's shoes?
(A)Green and black
(B)Yellow and black
(c)Blue and black
(D)Red and black

What color are Takato's shoes?
(D)none of the above

What is The leader of all the seasons?
(D)none of the above

What is the 2nd main chacters of all the seasons?
(D)none of the above

What is the first word Takato says in the first episode?
(A)Oh yeah
(B)Bullsye Baby
(C)I beat you haha
(d)Darktyranamon digivolves to MetelTyrannamon and that make you history

What is Guillmon's Ultimate?
(D)none of the above

What is Terriermon's ultimate?
(D)none of the above

What is renamon's ultimate?
(D)none of the above

What is the first Digimon seen in "IT CAME FEOM THE OTHER SIDE"???
(D)none of the above

What is a Terrier?
(D)none of the above

What color is Rika's shirt and design?
(A)White and a red heart
(B)White and a Digimon logo
(C)blue and a blue heart
(D)White and a blue heart

Who is the first person you see in "A QUESTION OF TRUST" episode?

what are all the digi-destines names 1-3?

what is Tai's real name in japan?
(A)the same
(d)noe of the above

e-mail me all the answers and your e-mail address

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