Tamers Highway(halloween version)
episode guide

this has 5 episodes

This is the episode guide.I will be adding more soon.


3.1:Guilmon comes
Calumon comes and is being chased by Maildramon.He almost gets caught,but DarkTyrannamon comes and saves him and digivoles to MetalTyrannamon."Game Over!!!!"
Calumon comes to the real world and is almost hit by a helicopter.
Then you see Takato and Kazuu playing a Digimon card game and Takato wins.Kazuu goes and Takato finds a blue card.He slips it through his card reader and it "goes mental".

He is late so he has to stand into the hall.He then starts to draw a red Digimon.Then when the Teacher comes he says"No its a Digimon don't you know anything"Said takato.He says Sorry and has to write a note to the teacher.Then Jeri comes with her ahhhh..... Puppet and tricks Takato.She went back in the classroom just to get a flute!!!Then when he goes it starts to storm and his card reader then turned into a Digivice(D-power).then he say"it empty".
Takato then rushes home and takes out his digivice and trys to find his blue card,but he can't find it!!!Then he says a few things and then slips his drawing through his Digivice.It gets stuck and says"All man don't say i broke it already."Then he leaves it on his counter and the paper starts to slip through,but he has to go to dinner.So he goes and looks at the digivice and his mom say"Takato!!!!"

You see him in his bed next and holding his digivice and say"digi armor energize.
You See a girl(Rika) fighting a Digimon Lynxmon."Lynxmon vs. Renamon."They fight and lynxmon pins Renamon down.So Rika uses a modified card for speed.Renamon gets fast and goes on top of him"Diamond Storm!!!"Then Takato wakes up in his bed"good game.That morning he sees towers and say"there is something definatly weird about those towers."Out of the blue.then he talks to his dad and asked if he had digimon when he was a kid.

You then see him with His friends and tells him about the dream"My hands,numb from the rain"Takato said.Then his friends started laughing and Kazuu said"Poor Mr.Sleepy head made his own waterbed."
Then Takato puts the digivice around his neck and finds a compass on his digivice.He then goes out to find Guilmon!!!

You then go to a building where this one guy tracks down digimon.When you see him they see a bio emergence and track it down.The gauy says"Keep the tracer locked,i am interested to see what this one does."The digimon they are tracking down is guilmon.

Then you See Takato trying to find Guillmon.He has to go through all this junk and mice.Then he gets to this electrical thind and a light goes straight up.
You then see Susie(Henry's little sister)and Henry.Susie is playing with Terriermon and says,"Terriermon digivolve to....,Owh what a pretty light.Henry come here and look at the pretty light."

Then you go back to Takato and he goes down the stairs of where the light is.He then sees Guilmon and Guillmon blows his pyro shyere at 2 mice.Guilmon then sniffs around and sees Takato.Takato thinks Guilmon is going to eat him.Will Takato survive or will he be eaten by a Digimon he created.Find out soon.


Takato is almost going to get eaten by guilmon when he stops and it figures out that Guilmon is a peaceful Digimon.After Takato has to bring Guilmon home.He has to bring it in a box though.He sortof has trouble with it though.
When he finally gets to his room he knocks some stuff over.Takato also has a talk with him.Then Guillmon calls Takato Ta-Ka-to-mon.Then he gets his goggles out to try to show Guilmon he is a human.Then you see Yamki and Hypnois.Then you see Goburimon bioemerging.

Takato then is sleeping then his Dad asks if Takato would/could have a pet.Takato's Dad trys to convince Takato's mom to get him on.Then you see Rika running to battle a Digimon.Goborimon and Renamon starts fighting him.Pretty soon Culamon is talking to people.Then later accidently makes Goborimon DigivolveRika got mad, so Rika used a modified card.
Then you see Guilmon growling at the window and Takato wakes up and there is nothing there.
Renamon keeps battling Fyukamon untill she uses "Diamond Storm"Renamon then absorbs his data and Rika then says."You'll win,without my help."
Takato trys to sneek downstairs,but then Takato's Mom spots him and talks to Takato about not having any pets.Takato denys that he has a pet.(because he doesn't,he has a Digimon)Then Guilmon comes down on top of Takato.Takato then trys to hide Guilmon because he has to go to school.Then Takato gives Guilmon bread.Guillmon liked it ALOT!!!"Want More"(Guilmon)Then Guilmon got really sad and howled.

Takato then goes in a his fort with Kazuu and Kenta.Kazuu asks whats up with the goggles.Then Takato thinks about the blue card.He has to hurry up though because they will be late.After he gets out of the fort he pauses again.Kazuu and Kenta want him to hurry up.So then he starts to run with them."Look he is getting sweaty just thinking of gym.

Then you see Takato in gym.He has to jump a centin leanth.Then Takato thought he saw Guilmon.He hopes he didn't though.Guilmon then goes IN the school and disturbs a class.The Principal then sees Guilmon and Trys to take the box off of Guilmon.When he does Guilmon wants to play,but the Principal thinks he's a monster.So he starts the fire alarm.Takato then runs into the school very,Very fast.You then see Henry tring to hide Terriermon.Takato walks and hears all the rumors and he hopes it is not Guilmon.Then figures out it was Guilmon.
Takato then runs to try to find Guilmon and overhears the Cafiteria ladies saying all the food was gone.Takato thinks what will happen.Then Takato sees Henry and Terriermon.Terriermon says Takato can't keep track of one Digimon and Takato agrees and runs away.Henry is mad at Terriermon though.
Takato thinks that Guilmon is gone and maybe he wasn't the kid who was supposed to find Guilmon at all.After a while."I think i konw where he is"
Takato then looks at the rooftops of a building.HE FINDS HIM!!!Takato says to Guilmon he has to listen to him more.If they are going to be Digimon and a tamer.
"Takatomon,I need a new box."
Takato then trys to find a place to hide Guilmon.Guilmon wants to chase squirls,but Takato wants to look in the park to find a place to hide Guilmon.Then Rika and Renamon come and attack.
Will Takato lose his friend or will Takato fight Rika and have a chance of winning,find out soon..


3.3:To fight,or not to fight
Takato tells Rika about a dream he had about her.Then Rika calls him names.Takato doesn't want to fight.Rika asks what Digimon are for if they are not to fight.Guilmon and Renamon then fight.Rika is ticked because she can't get info on Guilmon from her digivice.After fighting for awhile Rika uses her modified cards for armor on Renamon's arms.Renamon has the armor up to Guilmon's head.Guilmon finally listens to Takato to not fight and Renamon misses.Rika then yells at Renamon then Renamon attacks again.Then Henry comes in with Terriermon.Takato is glad he came."This is getting weird,"Rika said.
Henry tells Rika about what Digimon are for.Rika disagrees with him.So she goes away.
Takato and Henry then go in Guilmon's fort.They talk about Rika and how they thinks she thinks Digimon are just for fighting.Terriermon and Guilmon then get hungry.So Terriermon and Henry leave.Takato then asks what "momentie means".Terriermon says it mean take it easy!
Juri then comes when Takato comes home.when she walks out she says "You owe me one Takato,I didn't tell your mom you diched school"(Juri)Takato the syas thanks.
You then see Rika walking on the streets and he almost wished for something,but then said whatever."You only think you're alone Rika"(Renamon)
You then are at Henry's house and Susie walks in to Terriermon.Henry then has a talk with Terriermon about not to digivolve.
Takato then sees Guilmon to give him food at his fort/house .Guilmon Made it "BIGGER/tore it apart" while Takato was gone.Guilmon then got really tired and fell asleep on Takato.Takato then pulled himself out and wondered if Digimon have dreams."If they do it's probobly about food."
You then see Calumon playing a game and people see Rika and you figure out that Rika is the DIGIMON QUEEN.Rika then talks about digivolving to Renamon and she won't settle for less of herself or renamon.
You then see Kazuu and Kanta playing cards and Kazuu talks about modified cards.Then Takato remembers Rika said "Digi-modify!!!" "O,i get it now,Modify"(Takato)
Then you see Yamaki looking at a Digimon card from Rika.
Then you see Takato in the school.After school ended Takato,Kazuu and Kanta are talking about Digimon cards and Takato says he needs to find Rika/Digimon queen.Then Juri comes up and asks why Takato needs a girl and will I(Juri)do?Then Kanta says only if you can beat up the Digimon Queen.Now that's a battle i'd pay money to see.Then Juri asks why do boys always want to fight and Kazuu says thats how boys get even.Then Juri and her friends sort of made fun of them."I think we lost that round guys"(Takato)
Takato then is walking back from who knows where when he sees black trucks and thinks they might be after Guilmon.So Takato searches for Guilmon and he is not in his home.Takato then runs around trying to find him.Then his digivice points out to where he is "Bulls-eye baby."
He then find Guilmon and has a talk about staying with him.He then confinces a kid that Guilmon is a costume.Takato then looks at his Digivice and Guilmon runs to a garage and find Rika to battle.Takato asks why Renamon always wants to fight Guilmon.Rika says you are only are stepping stones.Guilmon then attacks Renamon"Guilmon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It then hits a car and Renamon strikes back at him.Then Guilmon growls at her.Henry then comes in and Rika calls Terriermon a wennie little bunny.Henry then tells Rika and Takato about Digimon and why they don't belong here.Renamon then almost hits Terriermon with her Diamond storm and Henry runs to try to protect him the Terriermon digivole to ..........................Gargomon!!!!!Gargomon then can't control his machine guns soo he shouts in a random direction.Then Renamon trys to fight him.Then Gargomon almost kills Rika,but Guilmon headbutts him into a wall.Rika then asks are they always like that when they digivolve??(to herself of course)Are they find out soon.


3.4:It cam from the other side
You see Henry and Takato talking about Gargomon digivolving then you see Guilmon trying to balance like Gargomon,but he falls.Gargomon asks why he has to stand upside down so much and it is because Henry thinks it will make him de-digivolve.Then Takato asks if he think it will work.Henry says he can't bring him home as Gargomon then they diguss if they should go ask that girl(Rika)to see if she knows anything.Guilmon trys to balance and falls again."Guilmon fall down go BOOM"(Gargomon)Then Guilmon trys again and falls.Takato then says to go home.
You then see Takato taking a bath and thinking what Guilmon will be like when he digivolves.
Then you go back to Henry and Henry then daydreams about when he played the Digimon game.He then wakes up and Terriermon is back.Terriermon says sorry for digivolving in the garage.
Then you see Takato again drawing a digivolved Guilmon on the same notepad as when he drew Guilmon.It sort of looks like WarGrowlmon though."KAPOW,KAPOW,KAPOW,KAPOW!!"(Takato)
Then you see Rika.Rika is really mad because Renamon hasn't digivolved yet.She wonders why Terriermon did and why Renamon did with 2 modified cards.
Then you see Calumon looking at all the kids going from school.Then you see Takato,Kazuu and Kenta.Kazuu brags about his modified cards.(Training grips)Then he gives one to Takato,Then Henry comes in.Yamaki then detects another one.Then Takato and Henry are talking.Henry says he gives Kazuu way too much credit.Then fog appears in the sky.Terriermon's ears go up.Then Takato says the fog might be coming after them."I think you just might be right"(Henry)Then Henry and Takato are running really fast and Takato says much faster,but Henry couldn't because Terriermon was hanging on too tight.Then Henry says this is a DIGITAL FIELD and Takato asks what is that.Henry doesn't reply.The fog gains up on them so they split up.Takato took the bridge and Henry kept going.Takato then figures out it is after Henry and runs to get Guilmon.
Meanwhile Henry and Terriermon are still running.Then terriermon suggests a place to hide,but the Digital field is still following him.Then the DIGITAL FIELD bioemerges.Then Takato comes running inwith Guilmon and searches who it is."Gorillamon!!"
"Hey Gorillamon,it's been a long time:(Terriermon)Then Gorillamon throws a pole at him.Gorillamon wants Terriermon to fight,but Henry won't let him.Terriermon says that he remebers.Henry tells Gorillamon to go back to the other side.
Guilmon fights Gorillamon,but Gorillamon wants Terriermon to fight.Gorillamon throws Guilmon into a wall.Terriermon wants to fight,but Henry still won't let him.Terriermon then attacks him and his attack almost hits Henry and Guilmon.Henry doesn't want him to fight.Henry then has a memorie of the game.Takato then says they need to fight.
Henry then has a memorie of when he got the game.Henry picks Terriermon on the game.
Gorillamon then attacks again.
Then Henry is back in his memorie and thinks about if Digimon have a reality out of the game.
Gorillamon then thows something at Terriermon and picks up Guilmon and runs with him somewhere.
In the game/memorie Gorillamon attacks the Digimon in the game and absorbs their data.Then when he fights Terriermon Terriermon almost gets hit.
Then you see in the real world Terriermon and Guilmon getting hurt.
(Memorie)Then Henry uses modified cards in the game.Henry uses so much it makes Terriermon digivolve to...Gargomon.Then Gargomon attacks and defeats Gorillamon and is still attacking Gorillamon.Henry gets mad and sad sort of.
Terriermon is then tossed,but Guilmon catches him.Takato trys to distract Gorillamon,but fails.Then Takato uses a modified card,but his mouth gets stuffed with flour from Gorillmon.Takato said to make Terriermon digivolve,but Henry wouldn't let him.
(memorie)Then you see Henry talking to his dad about absorbing Digimons data.Henry's dad explains and thinks he is taking it too seriously.He tells him Digimon is just a game the don't really exist.
Henry then comes back and says Digimon don't exist.Henry thinks it does matter.Then he finds a blue card then swipes it.It turns into a digivice.Then Terriermon comes out from the game.Then Henry promises he won't make him fight again.Henry doesn't want to break his promise.
Terriermon and Guilmon then get attacked.Takato thinks Henry has to digivolve,but Henry thinks there has to be another way.Henry then uses training grips on Terriermon.Then Terriermon throws them onto Gorillamon and is sort of trapped.Then Guilmon attacks him.Terriermon then uses"Terriermon tornado!!!!!!!"Then Gorillamon goes really up and goes back down."What goes up,must come down"(Terriermon)Then Gorillamon breaks out of the training grips and Terriermon uses pellet blast inside his gun.
After the battle Takato thinks Henry and Terriermon make a good team.Guilmon is hungry so they go and Guilmon calls Takato"Takato!!!"Did Gorillamon's data go back to the other side??find out soon...


3.5:Dream alittle Dream
First you hear Takato and Kazu talking then Takato asks why there are people at the soccer field and figures out someone drew chalk lines on the soccer field.Then you see Takato in school and his teacher talking about the chalk on the field.Then is makes them do a POP Quiz,but Kazuu doesn't want to take the test.
Then in the lunch room Takato over hears people talking about the chalk.They said it was called by aliens or ghosts.Then Takato talks to Jeri about what they were saying.Then Jeri says she knew who did it.
Jeri wasn't feeling well so went to the nurses office.She heard a noise in the cabinet and she thought it was a cat,but it was Calumon.Jeri was freaked out alot.
"man your brave"(Takato)
Then Takato and Henry talk about the chalk lines and it had to be a smart person to do that damage.Calumon then thinks about if He was a soccer player.(alitte exsatierated)Then Calumon is very happy and wants people to come so he can play with them.Calumon then trys to break into the supply cabinet,but it has a lock on it.Calumon then breaks the lock with a rock and starts to chalk the field in his version of the game.It is very weird,but to him it is FUN!!After he plays for a while He gets sad because no one came."No one came,but it is the best game ever"(Calumon)
Then Takato and Guilmon go to the school on the weekend,but Guilmon questions him about going to the school on that day,when the rest of the time it wasn't.Then when Takato was there and 2 teachers were there and talking about the chalk lines Calumon made recently.The principal then got mad.
Then Takato goes to feed some rabbits and Guilmon was sniffing another rabbit.Then when Guilmon stopped sniffing he then smelled a Digimon.Takato then said it was dangorus so he gets a broom.When he finds the Digimon it is CALUMON!!!Then Calumon wakes up and wants Takato to play with him.Takato can't even touch him without him moving.
Then Takato goes with Henry in the parks thing where Guilmon stays.Then Guilmon tickles him,but he is just sniffing.Then Takato and Henry thinks about finding a partner for Calumon.Takato thinks about a person and go to him.
When Takato comes there it is Kazu and Kazu beats his opponent.They almost pick him,but Henry says he uses all his power,but uses all his energy,but not enough to defend himself.Takato then sees what would happen,Guilmon and Calumon are fighting then Kazu uses alot of it's energy not to defend.Guilmo then defeats Calumon and Takato agrees.Then Terriermon suggusts Susie his Henry's little.Then when they get there Takato says she is alittle crazy,but Takato says Calumon isn't alittle crazy too.Henry still disagrees because he wouldn't want to see the dress-up on her doll on anyone.Then Takato's imagination goes up again and thinks about how bad it could be.Takato thinks about it and sees Susie putting to much stuff on Calumon and falls.Then Takato agrees.Then you see Takato,henry,and Terriermon talking about a pertner for Calumon.Henry agrees it should be a girl.Henry says that a girl wouldn't be a bad idea,butthey need someone there age.When Takato thinks about it he thinks of Jeri.in his imagination she was really freaked when Calumon went onto Jeri's shoulder."Man,mom's right,my imagination can be a curse."(Takato).
Then you see Guilmon and Calumon,but Calumon really wants to play.Calumon really trys to convice Guilmon to play.Then Calumon brings up that Takato will be even more mad if he wasn't happy.Then after a while Guilmon agrees.Then Henry and Takato are walking."It took all day and we still didn't find a partner for Calumon"(Henry)Then Takato needs to get back before Guilmon eats the whole park.Then you see Calumon and Guilmon at the school and trying to break in the storage cabinet.Then Guilmon finds a way into it.To dig a tunnel under it.Then you see Guilmon making trouble and making the lines in the field.Then and Digital field comes into place.Guilmon and Calumon wonder what it is.
Then whenTakato and Henry come into the place wheere Guilmon was supposed to be he wasn't there.Henry says it will be fine,but then Takato see the Digital Field and Takato and Henry start off to the school.Then when the Digimon is coming out it has black ink all over it.Guilmon suggests is the the place where you waddle like Penguinmon.Then Vilemon comes out of the hole.
Then Guilmon scares Vilemon ALOT and accuses that he is small(which he is).Then Vilemon get's VERY angrey and attacks Guilmon and Calumon.When Takato and Henry get to the school Takato is sure it involves Guilmon.
Guilmon finally attacks back after he attacked Calumon again.Takato then thinks and uses a modifeid card"HYPER WING!!"Then Guilmon flys up and uses Pyro shrye and almost kills Vilemon.Then Vilemon trys to attack,but Henry used a modified card before he could."Sonic activate!!!"Then Terriermon hits Vilemon.Then the attack just misses Takato and Henry.Then after Takato and Henry try to find modified cards,but then Rika comes to defeat Vilemon.Then when he attacks Rika uses a Modified card"Clone activate!!"Then when Vilemon attacked he thought he got her,but he really just got her clone.When Vilemon thought he got her Renamon was right behind him and used Diamond Storm and defeated Vilemon and absorbs his data quickly.Takato wonders why she did that.Then after Rika says she just did it for the data.Then Takato mentions Digimon are living creatures and that Rika kills them.Then Calumon then sees if Rika wants to play.Then Calumon leaves them.Then they think he is good without a tamer.
The next day everyone finds out about the holes and chalk lines again.After Takato says they probprobly wouldn't belive them if they told them the truth,Henry agrees.
What is up with Rika and her mode.Find out soon.....