Tamers Highway(halloween version)
About Me

This is about me and why i like digimon

My name is Lee and my fav. chacter is Henry.
My fav. Digimon is Megagargomon.
I have liked Digimon since 1st grade and have liked it ALOT!!!
I always used to just collect the card,but now i am collecting the toys too.
I have more season 3 toys than anything.I have all the champion digi-warriors and all the digivoling to ultimate.
I started likeing Digimon from a friend with the little origanl Digimon electronc toy.
Ross(My friend) gave me one and i have liked Digimon ever since.Well,sort of.
You see when Pokemon was popular i liked it.Well accually i started it almost in my school.
Then when it was out i had no hobby.untill the last few episodes were on.
I liked it a TON!!!!!It was the best.Then season 2 was on and it was awesome.
Untill it had that long BREAK for the movie and all,but after Season 2 was over,i started not likeing Digimon and liking Game Boy advanced more.
I knew about season 3 before season 2 ended,but i was getting board with Digimon not being on and all.
Soo what else could i do.
Now i love Digimon and i think i will like it for a long time.